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Showing posts from 2014

BioLumina, Quantum Infused Spirulina

Quantum Infusion   BioLumina is Quantum Infused with specific energy patterns which promote and sustain optimal health and balance in the body systems. The energy patterns are specifically chosen to enhance well being on all levels and in all bodies, energetic as well as physical. You can order it direct from this link:


Wow. Very impressed by the organizer / planner app for iOS, with a Mac OSX connection -- LifeTopix This is from the Light Arrow website -- LifeTopix™ is a com­plete orga­nizer and plan­ner for life and busi­ness that rede­fines pro­duc­tiv­ity. It is based on 12 life top­ics for man­ag­ing tasks and projects, shop­ping, events, travel and places, peo­ple and ser­vices, health and activ­ity, finances, home and assets, edu­ca­tion, notes and files, media, and bookmarks.