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(Does your window cleaner use one?)
Hanson Window Cleaning utilize the MagmaBullet™,  allowing us to “Deep-Clean Your Windows”™ (Deep-Clean Your Windows is a trademark of Hanson Window Cleaning) Since we market the MagmaBullet™, it is our understanding the we are the only company that utilize these amazing water purification quantum physics devices.
  • Once in a great while a product comes along that provides a quantum leap in scientific advancement. I would like to introduce you to the MagmaBullet™.
Our experience with the MagmaBullet™ during the past fourteen years is that we are able to ‘Deep-Clean’ window surfaces, the restructured water quality and solutions more effectively penetrating the pores of the glass, releasing stored soil and pollution.
The units are small, but powerful, weighing just ½ ounce. Its cylindrical shape and content develop an energy field that extends 50″ from the sides and 35″ from the ends of the casing. This is quantum physics technology.
The professional window cleaner needs the appropriate tools, cleaning solution, and technique. One aspect that deserves proper attention, and, in the past, has been comparatively ignored, is WATER DYNAMICS. Window cleaners cannot provide the best possible service, if, in fact, the water that mixes with the cleaning solution is not pure.
Whether using municipal or well water, such ‘ordinary’ water hinders superior cleaning capability. Here is where the MagmaBullet™ is superior to the ‘ordinary’, untreated water most window cleaners use in their buckets.
Much research has been done with the MagmaBullet™. The scientist that perfected the technology is an internationally known PhD and lecturer. National Testing Labs have measured and documented increases in pH and reduction of contaminants using Intrinsic Data Field Analysis. In addition, lower Oxidation-Reduction Potentials and increases in electrical conductivity have been quantified.
Measured vitality of the water moves from 97.0 (average) to well over 1000 in as little as 3 seconds! Measured megahertz frequency increases dramatically, indicating an absence of contaminating energies.
Filled with ionized earth minerals (from the Canadian Rocky Mountains) that emit enlivened and powerful electron activity, the MagmaBullet™ is the perfect way to energize your water, improving the electrical and molecular structure of the water being treated.
The MagmaBullet™ placed in our water buckets allows the bio-energetic actionto immediately release free hydrogen, increasing the pH.
Professional window cleaners have noticed an immediate change in the water dynamics, including less squeegee drag. Less cleaning solution is needed, resulting in saved operating expenses.
Our company, Hanson Window Cleaning, have been in business for twenty-seven years. We have been using the units for the past fourteen years. Our experience has proved that we are able to perform services with greater efficiency and quality. This translates to monetary savings to you.
· Tim McCullen, owner of The Window Gang franchise supplies the MagmaBullet™ to new franchisees to improve cleaning performance.
·  Tony Evans, owner of A New View Window Cleaning, Wellman, Iowa writes: “We recently started using the MagmaBullet™ in our window cleaning business.  I was, as many might be, skeptical. After using it on a few sunny days and doing some of my own testing on the changes in the water, I have found this to be one of the best investments for my company.  I am able to use less soap in my solution and have already noticed a reduction in squeegee drag which will, I’m sure, decrease the cost of rubber replacement.  Thank you, Greg Hanson, and MagmaBullet™!”
· Joe Lewis, owner of Bright Shine Window Cleaning, Corvallis, MT, reports: “I have customers now who ask me if I am using the MagmaBullet™ in my cleaning solution before hiring my company.”
(MagmaBullet is a trademark of Hanson Window Cleaning)
Gregory B. Hanson    (828) 237-1952


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